#15 Buda: Protocol for Lunatics

This week we held down the fort. Proud to declare that the mission home didn't burn down when It was just Elder Barton and I. We taught two lessons about the word of wisdom this week, one to a returning member and another to one the people we are teaching. It was fun. You don't teach the Word of Wisdom everyday and our investigator committed to living it, and said that it should be easy because he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol tea or coffee. It was really cool! 

We also taught Lajos about prophets and invited him to General Conference with us next weekend. So far there are two people we are teaching who are planning to watch conference with us! We hope they will receive answers to their prayers and reconsider baptism. We had a supper good meeting with the part member family that we meet with. We taught the two younger boys about the plan of salvation, and this week we are going to be talking about baptism with them. Invited them to pray to know when the baptism should happen, and then we will follow up with them this week. 

We had a pretty good lesson with a new person this week named András. We taught him about the restoration of the gospel and gave him a Book of Mormon. He said that because he is active in his church, he didn't want to be baptized, but said that he would be willing to meet with us again. The coolest part was when we asked him about the importance of prayer, and he explained his relationship with Heavenly Father. We could tell that it played a really important part of his life, it was really special, we don't come across a lot of youth in Hungary who can explain why their relationship with God is meaningful to them. I hope that as we meet more, he will become more open to the idea of a living prophet because he is already connected to the Spirit. We also got training yesterday for the new English connect program from the Bradshaws and we hope to be starting up in two weeks, the work is rolling forward.

We had some fun experiences streeting this week, met lots of people and had interesting conversations. We got stopped by teenage girls several times, just to ask for directions and other questions. We were walking past a house and there were some kids playing in the yard and we asked if their parents were home and the kids ran and got their grandma. The grandma invited us to come sit in their garden and talk to her for a bit. We taught her the restoration but we weren't able to set up another time to meet with her but we'll try again.

Funny things from interactions around town: We were on an escalator talking English to each other and their was a mom with her daughters near us and the mom said, "look girls those two boys are speaking English," and the girls were gawking at us and they we started speaking Hungarian and that threw them for a loop. -- Quote from the week: "Not saying that I'm a lunatic or anything, but as missionaries do you two have a protocol for what to do if a lunatics stops you on the street?" --Attributed to: Drunk paranoid lunatic guy who streeted us at 8:50 p.m.

This week I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the 4th time. This time it took me a little longer than I would have liked (7 months) but I successfully underlined and marked every reference in the Book of Mormon for the Holy Ghost and revelation. It was a really good learning opportunity and I plan on doing it more after my mission. My goal now is to finish the Book of Mormon in Hungarian by the time I go home, that will make 5 times through. I love the Book of Mormon. I hope that in this upcoming General Conference our Prophet will speak more about it. It's going to be a wonderful conference.


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