
Showing posts from September, 2018

#6 Pest II: Next Stop Debrecen

Some exiting news, I'm moving again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going crazy! I'm 6 for 7, I've moved 6 out of my 7 transfers!!!!!! I'm pretty much a lost migratory goose. I'm headed back out east to Nyíregyháza, just kidding, but seriously I'm headed to Debrecen which is right next to Nyíregyháza. Debrecen (which is where Elder Surdu was born!) is the 2nd largest city in Hungary with a whopping 330,000 people. It's going to be a new zone leader city so I'm white washing in again. The other surprise is that, I'm going to be staying with my companion Elder Surdu!! So it will be a new city but same companion, I'm excited! We ship out tomorrow morning. We will be over the east zone which is every city on the east side of the Danube except for Pest and Kispest. Our Week: This was a good last week of the transfer. Besides all of the finding we did, I think the highlight was this past week’s MLC. It was very uplifting and o

#5 Pest II: Traveling our Zone

This week was awesome! We were literally all over the place. We went on splits in both Nyíregyháza and in Eger (most of the pictures are from there). We also had interviews which were wonderful and on top of that some good lessons with investigators and some appointments with members to talk about the book of Mormon initiative. The biggest teaching update is that we had to take our most progressing investigator off of baptismal date, primarily because he is having some questions about the Book of Mormon, and his date won’t work because it is this week and he is not prepared. We will be working with him this week to overcome his concerns and help him have a new goal for baptism. My split with Elder Gilson was great. It was so much fun to work with him in Nyíregyháza, it was like old times (4 weeks ago). His companion Elder Rathal is from England, he lived in California for a few years before his mission. He's had a rough mission because all his companions have gone home for

#4 Pest II: The Same Today, Yesterday, and Forever!

I’m glad to say, that this week's zone conference was a success, outside of that it was a little rough. "Mama said there’d be days like this." I’m really glad that the lunch we made for zone conference worked out. Sister Hettinger has asked us to make healthy meals instead of ordering pizza, so we cooked for the zone. We made beef and rice burritos and they were really good. Sister Hettinger praised us for our cooking. I really hope that our training on language study plans will help our zone. I think the training that the Sister Training Leaders gave was fantastic. The AP's (Assistents to the President) talked about how to improve personal and companion study. We had a really difficult time contacting the people we are teaching this week. We did meet with one of the people we are teaching, named Zoli, he is blind and lives alone and this time he was completely wasted, it was really hard. It’s difficult because he knows what we share with him is true and wants

#3 Pest II: CRAZY BUSY!!

This last week was a full one. Our Book of Mormon Zone challenge has been going well and I hope it has been working to inspire and uplift the missionaries, I know personally that I have learned so much, and I feel my testimony of the Book of Mormon strengthening. On Monday I had splits with Elder Spencer (Elder Martin's companion), an AP (an assistant to the President) born and raised in Boise Idaho, came to his mission via North Carolina and whose parents have now moved to Utah. Elder Spencer loves snow skiing and boating. He is serving in Buda, which is the other side of the river. It was a good split, the purpose being my training as a zone leader. This week we found three new investigators, unfortunately they all were unable to make it to the appointments we set up with them, but hopefully this week we will be able to meet with them again. We had a really great meeting with our Vietnamese investigator, we gave her a Book of Mormon in Vietnamese, and she was so excited. I