
Showing posts from January, 2019

#6 Buda: Teaching the Gospel is the BEST!

Yes, This is Elder Morgan! This week I decided I wanted to make fajitas. So I went to the store to shop for the ingredients and I bought an American Bell Pepper (among other things), Hungarians call them "California Wonder Peppers." They are unlike any Hungarian peppers. I thought that was funny. They were super good. For P-Day last week we went to the aquarium in the far south part of Buda. We had a plan for how to get there in 20 minutes, but we got on the wrong train and ended up in Érd, which wasn't all bad because we were going to meet up with the Érd elders anyway, but even after we met up with them we didn't take the most direct route to the aquarium. So after several detours and several trains and buses later, we finally got there. The aquarium is in a mall. It was way cooler than I thought it would be. They also had terrarium animals there... and super scary spider. They had a shark tunnel like the Henry Doorly Zoo. It wasn't the most modern aquarium

#5 Buda: I love being a missionary, even when it's hard

This week's zone conference was really good. I felt the Spirit and it was one of the best zone conferences that I've been too. I really enjoyed all of the training and the role play with Luca, from Kispest, which was a lot of fun because I taught her in Kispest and helped prepare her for baptism. It was cool to reunited with her. The new missionaries blew me away. Then on the second day of zone conference, for the other zone, the role play was with Zoltan from Kispest who Elder Gable and I taught and baptized, so I got to see him again, and that was really cool and he was happy to see me.  On P-day this week we went and did an escape room, they are like puzzle rooms they lock you in and you have an hour and a half to figure it out. We did a really hard one. The theme was that we were in the metro and someone had hidden a bomb in the metro and we had to figure it out before the bomb explodes. We solved it with a minute and seven seconds left, so it was fun adventure. Also thi

#4 Buda: The Restoration, a Blessing to the World

Hello Family & Friends, This week started out with a little trip down south to Dunaújváros , a soviet city that was built in the 1950s. It's strange because it's a communist built planned city, it's one of two of these types of cities. It's odd to think about a city being built because the government decides one day they are just going to build a city and make people move there. It's seems so unnatural. It used to be named after Stalin but it was renamed after communism. We had a wonderful exchange with our zone leaders. I was with Elder Bridges. We spent a ton of time streeting in the middle of snow blizzard -- well maybe not a blizzard, but it was snowing pretty good -- but the people where really nice, and miraculously we found 7 new investigators in one day! Yes, even in the snow! It was awesome. We also had a wonderful lesson with someone new they are teaching who has set a baptismal date. We reviewed the restoration of the Gospel with him, it was very s

#3 Buda: Rescue Mission

Let me start out by saying 2018 was a ride!! The only year of my life when I was 100% missionary 100% of my time. So as I set my 2019 new years resolutions I split them into two section, the half of my year that will be as a missionary and the other half of my year not as a missionary. This week was a good and cold one. The main adventure of this week was keeping Elder Smith from dying.. We took him to the university hospital. I was chosen to be the navigator to get there because of the missionaries in the office I'm the one who knows Budapest best, so they sent me and Elder Udy to go get Elder Smith at the metro and take him to the hospital. Basically he had a bad infection and needed a bunch of antibiotics because of his high fever and coughing his lungs filled up with liquid so he had that on top of it. To make things worse, Wednesday he called us and he was having allergic reactions to his medication, so we had to go get him again and bring him back to Budapest and take him

#1 Buda: In the Office Now

Ted was moved into the mission office with the duty to manage the Romanian mission travel for missionaries in Romania. They were very busy the week before Christmas because it was a big travel week. The Romanian A.P.'s and all the Romanian missionaries who were going home came to Budapest on Monday, December 19th, which was P-day. The office missionaries (Ted and his companion Elder Udy) went with the Romanian A.P.'s to the Christmas markets in Budapest and Ted bought a few things for himself for Christmas. They really enjoyed that. On Tuesday the 20th, 10 new missionaries came in fresh from the MTC, and that kept Elder Morgan and Elder Udy very busy. After doing orientation meetings with the new missionaries they went up to castle hill, the traditional Buda site they take the new missionaries too, and they got to hang out with the new missionaries; sing Christmas carols and talk Hungarian with them. The Hettinger's came up with all the departing missionaries. Ted took p

#2 Buda: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

The year closes today, and I've been thinking a lot about 2018, what was good what was bad. This year was special because it is the only one of my life where I was a missionary 100% of the time. It was pretty special. While I can't say I was perfect this year, I am happy to say that I feel satisfied with what I have accomplished and the progress I have seen in myself. I can't ask more than that!! We spend Christmas this year with the Hinckleys, Klingers, and the Starostas. It was fun to have more traditional Hungarian Christmas food, It was quite present. The rest of the week, we spent our time doing our office work, and finding when we got done. We found some new people, and we hope that next week after the holidays that we can meet with them after the holidays. This week I read about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis, and I thought about how what they did reflected their conversion, I don't know if I would have been converted enough to let myself and my family be slaughtered an