
Showing posts from August, 2018

#2 Pest II: 21 Day Book of Mormon Challenge

Long time no see... It feels like it's been only four days since I have sent you an email... oh, yeah, that's because it's only been 4 days since my last email. So, what I have I been up to in the last few days? Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday was eaten up by lots of Zone Leader Administrative stuff, so it was nice to get to regular missionary work on Thursday, except for the three hours we spent at the hevital to register in our new area, which was a fail because we decided to stop waiting after three hours and we'll have to go back next week. Friday was district meeting, and Saturday we did our weekly call with the mission president as zone leaders. We talked about the new 21 day Book of Mormon reading challenge the Church is doing for Europe. It officially starts the 1st of September, but we've gotten a head start. We will be using it in our proselytizing and in our district and zone meetings. Every day there is a scriptures passage, a question, and a conf

#1 Pest II: The One Year Mark

Monday was the biggest national holiday for Hungarians ever. Stevensday! It marks when St. Steven, the first Christian king, was crownd king of Hungary in the year 1000. So this marks the beginning of the Hungarian nation. They even have St. Steven's mumified hand in a golden box that they march around the city. There were some weird Hungarian bagpipes in the parade. Kind of weird to an American, but it's amazing that there has been a continuous Hungarian state for 1800 years. That's a pretty big deal. The picture from last week of me playing the bagpipes. Here's the story: Last P-day in Nyíregyháza   we went over to a members house who lives in England most of the time, and lives in Hungary for the summer. He has some pipes he bought in Scotland, but they are the kind of pipes that tourists would buy, so they weren't very nice and they didn't sound very good. He also had a cheap kilt that we put on for the picture. It was kind of silly. This past week

#5 Nyíregyháza: MOVING AGAIN

Okay, like I said before this transfer was a special 5 week transfer, so today we got our calls with our new assignments, and somehow I'm moving again!! Yes, I'll be going back to Budapest, specifically back to Pest where I was just 5 weeks ago! Well, I have to say that the call to return to Pest was certainly a surprise, but seeing how I love Pest and I was sad to leave after only 2 months, I'm very excited to go back!! This time I'll be serving with Elder Surdu from Canada and I will serve as the Zone Leader. I'm also looking forward to being with Surdu Elder. I feel humbled to be called as a Zone Leader but I hope that with the Lord's help I can do what he needs me to do. Despite being nervous about serving as Zone Leader, I think this is probably the most excited I've been for transfers. Sure, I have to move again, and I'm intimidated at the call to be zone leader, but I'll be back in Pest which is awesome, and I'll be with Elder Surdu, which

#4 Nyíregyháza: Debrecen is a Cool City

This week sort of flew by. The miracle of this week was for sure our lesson with Zoltán. He became a new investigator last week, but this week we had our first real lesson with him. We did a lot of good and taught him about the Book of Mormon and how to get a testimony of spiritual things. He is a very religious man and he said that he is a real truth seeker and wants to know if what we have is true. At the end of the lesson he was asking us about how to repent because he said that it’s hard to learn about it in the bible. We told him that he will find answers to his questions, as he reads the Book of Mormon, prays, meets with us and comes to church. I hope tomorrow’s lesson goes well. A lot of our investigator lessons fell through this week, so we did a lot of look ups and meeting with members. We shared messages about how we can use the blessings of the gospel in our lives to invite people to partake of the fruits of the gospel. I guess you could say it was the “come and see”