
Showing posts from July, 2018

#3 Nyíregyháza: Wear Out Our Lives in the Work of the Lord

I’m happy to report that our week was quite pleasant. It was a good week for the work, but I'm exhausted. I think it's the sun, it been 33 degrees celsius, 91 degrees fahrenheit, all this week, and I'm dying! I hear it will be this kind of hot the rest of the week. I'm tired of having a perpetual sunburn, but I'm still happy. Today we had a sport day with some members from the ward, we played soccer, which I'm absolutely horrible at, probably because I am American and really uncoordinated, but we also played a little American football, and though I'm not good at that either, I am better than Hungarians. It was fun. I also got to crack my whip. :) This week we had a really good to have zone conference in Buda. We had 2 new investigators this week. Our focus in finding has been about how we can find lasting happiness. One of the investigators is an older man with a family, and the other is in his 30’s. I hope that as we meet with them this week

#2 Nyíregyháza: Hungarian Cowboys with Bull Whips

This first full week in Nyíregyháza was a good one. I’d say that we are starting to feel at home hear and getting a sense for where things are in this city. We are registered in the city with the city government. On p-day we played basketball and tennis on clay courts. Elder Garrett and I won the basketball match, but not because I am any good (because I am not) but Elder Garrett is super tall and can dunk the ball. We also went to eat Thai and I had a coconut curry that was awesome! It was a good p-day. This week we found two new investigators. The first is an older woman named Éva; she was streeted a few weeks ago by the other elders. It was a pretty frustrating lesson, she has a lot of concerns about religion in general, and she is very stubborn, but she accepted a commitment to read the restoration pamphlet, and she said we could come back this next week to talk with her about it. I hope this next lesson goes well, and that we can find a good member to bring with us, we will see.

#1 Nyíregyháza: A Slower Pace of Life

Wow, my life is going so fast! This week has been a crazy blur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like Nyíregyháza. It's a smaller city, so the pace is different than that of Budapest. Missionary work in the country is slower, becuase life in the country is slower, but I'll adjust. It's bigger than Kecskemét though, and I think it is prettier, but that could just be because it is summer. Next week I'll have more pictures of Nyíregyháza. I just didn't have time this week. My companion Elder Gilson, is really cool!! He is my first companion from Utah. He is awesome! It's going to be a good, but short, transfer (5 weeks instead of 9). Also, my new apartment is the old sister training leader apartment, and it is the nicest apartment I have had. It's amazing, super modern and updated and the sister missionaries kept it really nice, because they're sisters, so one of our goals this transfer is to keep the apartment really nice and make sure we keep it clean. Wednesday w

#9 Pest: Look to the East!

Well, I got some news, I'm getting transferred again! I have been a missionary for 8 months now in Hungary, and I have yet to stay in one place more than 4 months, I don't like moving. But anyway, I'll be moving away from Budapest, and to a city called Nyíregyháza . I'm not going to try to spell that out phonetically, so have fun trying to say it. Nyíregyháza is basically the farthest east city in Hungary with missionaries, its about a 3 hour train ride. Its also outside the stake so I'll be in the Miskolc district of the church, it will also be the first branch that I will serve in. Fun fact, My trainer Elder Martin started his mission in Nyíregyháza. In Nyíregyháza I will be the district leader but I'm not sure how many other missionaries I will be over. I don't really know anything actually. I'll be with Elder Gilson, who is the group above me (meaning he arrived in the mission one transfer before me), but I think of the two of us will be new in the

#8 Pest: A New Mission

This week a new Mission President landed on the blessed native soil of Hungary. At 7:20 a.m. on June 29th an airplane debarked out of an airport in Romania caring our new Mission President and his wife, Elder and Sister Hettinger. July 1st is the first official day that the Romanian and Hungarian missions combine, so there was a little interim period, but this week we got a new administration of our mission and a whole new mission!! So BIG stuff. This week was a blur, but it's odd because honestly it was a slow week for teaching and we were dropped by one of our investigators, and have another that we will probably have to drop verily soon; but after hours and hours of streeting we found tons of potential investigators. This week we picked up a new investigator who is a Jehovah's Witness, so that's pretty exciting, I've never taught a Jehovah's Witness on my mission. BTW: Jehovah is Jesus, just putting that out there. We just have to wait and see how they pro