#12 Buda: New Elders in the Office

This week we got ready for the transfer.

With love Elder Morgan............... Jk,

It was a pretty good week, having Elder Barton in the office (and as my new companion) is going to be great! I'm really looking forward to this next transfer. Elder Barton is from Kaysville. I was his zone leader in Debrecen so I have been on splits with him several times. Elder Smith is the new Assistant, so that is cool because I like Elder Smith. We have been working hard to get him prepared for Elder Udy's exit. I'm proud to say that every thing should be ready for this next week. Elder Barton joined us on Wednesday for training. Thursday we also had two Romanian Elders with us who came to Budapest for an appointment with the President. They stayed with us for the night. So we had LOTS of Elders in our meetings this week and at English class.

This week we found a couple new people to teach, some of them stood us up, but said they would be willing to meet with us again. We had a little bit of a tracting miracle. We went tracting Saturday morning, I haven't done that for a while. We talked to everyone who was home in the whole building. On the last door, we knocked, and to our surprise one of our English class students opened the door. We talked a little bit, and I said jokingly, "You have time for us to share a message about Jesus with you," and to my surprise he said "Yeah, Totally!" We are going to meet with him after English class this next week, it was super cool. We also had a couple lessons, and I have to say that teaching as a trio is strange, but the lessons weren't all that bad.

Elder Fales and I went to visit Magdi (Elder Fales and I taught her and she was baptized in Pest) we took one of the youth in the ward with us. It was wonderful to see her again, and it was even cooler to be able to understand everything she said, my Hungarian has improved a lot since last summer. We taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and had a wonderful discussion on what it means to endure to the end, and some of her experiences since her baptism. I'm so grateful that I was able to teach and help bring such a precious daughter of God into the church of Christ. We had 105 people at church on Sunday which is TONS for Hungary! It just blew Elder Barton's mind because he's never seen anything like that on his mission. It was a good week!!

My personal studies almost always are very Book of Mormon heavy, not that that could ever be a bad thing. Besides the fact that it strengthens my testimony and love for Christ, the more I read the Book of Mormon, the better I am able to teach the doctrines of the gospel; mainly the Plan of Salvation and doctrine of Christ. I've been amazed that as I teach, almost always a passage or verse from something that I've read in the past week has been able to help answer a question or address a concern that has been posed to me. Its been a huge testimony builder to me that the Book of Mormon is really written for today's world, to the convincing of all nations, jew and gentile, that Jesus is the Christ. Joseph Smith was his prophet, seer and revelator, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is in actuality the kingdom of God on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Messiah. This is why I study and have come to love the Book of Mormon.

With Love Elder Morgan

Notice the tag


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