#5 Debrecen: A Better Week for the Work

This week we did a lot of member work to help prepare for the branch conference. We met with some active members and looked up some other less active ones. We went and visited a less active recent convert and her grandson with the elder quorum's president, and then she came to conference which was wonderful. We had a turn out of 34 local members, which for here was a pretty big achievement. I hope we can continue to ride the enthusiasm.

This week we found 4 new investigators (two of them on Sunday evening). One of them was referred to us by an investigator and then participated in the lesson with us. They are two men from Jordan, Hossam and Loai, and they are Christians which was neat. They come from strictly Christian communities within Jordan. Hossam is a choir director and used to be a choir director at the catholic church in his community in Jordan. In Jordan they have to pay taxes for being Christian, but otherwise they live in peace with the Muslims there. We talked with them about baptism and why we do it differently from the Catholic church.

We also found a couple, János and Dia, with small children. The husband was mildly interested, but his wife had really good questions and during the lesson read the introduction to the Book of Mormon, the restoration pamphlet, and "The Family a Proclamation to the World." She invited us back next Saturday. While tracting yesterday we found a 18 year old young woman named Fruzsa who is best friends with one of the less actives members in the ward and she is really interested to see what her friend's church is about. Not only was it great to find some people this week, but all of them seem like people who would really meet again with us. Its good to see some progress.

I loved the visit from Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the area president. We had a two hour meeting with just for missionaries. It was a super special visit. I think that it is good that he reminded us about the importance of bringing our investigators to church. It's a vital step, if they will come and then feel the Spirit, it makes it hundreds of times easier for them to progress towards baptism. Its also what separates people we meet with from those who are on the road to conversion. I love the scripture that Sister Hettinger shared in branch conference this week.

"And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day;" (D&C 59)

Going to church is a sacrifice, but I know the blessings are truly worth it, and we just have to help others see those blessings to. How sweet is the work.

I love you all, have a good week.


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