#9 Kecskemét: A New Year, A New Witness, A New Challenge


So much has happened and it's only been 2 weeks since I've sent an email. 

The highlights of the last two weeks:

I went to Szeged for the day for splits with the zone leaders...

... then we rode with them up to Budapest for the Christmas zone conference. It was lots of fun. I got a flu shot, ate good food, lots of fun talents at the zone conference talent show.

Christmas here was awesome, we had meals with members, and celebrated Christmas day with them. I got to skype home which was awesome! 40 minuets is so short!! It was so good to see all of you on skype and to watch that video my family made for me of Christmas greetings. I miss you all!!

The highlight of this last week and this transfer was a baptism on the 30th, our investigator János Attila was baptized. It was wonderful! János was spiritually prepared and the baptism was very special. The spirit was super strong. The next morning in sacrament meeting he was confirmed a member of the church, and that same spirit was there. It was such a good week.

The new year is upon us! Hungarians love their fire works on New Year's Eve, and because we live in the city center, it was very hard to sleep because it sounded like a literal war zone as if the Russians were shelling the city. It was amazing. 

It is crazy that its 2018!! The last 12 months have flown by! I'm looking forward to this new year, and all that it will hold.

The other thing that has happened is today was transfer calls. We got a call from Szabadkai elnök (our Mission President) because Elder Martin is going to be a zone leader in Győr, and for convenience he gave me my assignment in person over the phone. I'll be staying here in Kecskemét! Of course I'll be getting a new companion. The President said that this next transfer will harder/hard. He said that I will learn a lot, but it will be difficult. I am nervous, because I don't know anything, and i don't speak Hungarian. What I do know is that if I trust in the Lord it will be okay. I will love and serve my next companion and do my best to learn from him.

This week I finished reading the Book of Mormon all the way through for the 2nd time, and it was good. Moroni 10:4-5 says that if we pray to know that the book is true, with real intent, and faith in Christ, we will feel that it is true through the Holy Ghost. I know the book is true, I didn't need confirmation of that truth again, but it was amazing that when I prayed for a reconfirmation of its truth, a great and steady peace came over me, peace that the book is true, peace that this is where I should be, and peace that we are doing good work in Kecskemét. Its good to be a missionary.

--Morgan elder.

Word of the week: tűzhányó means volcano, but it literally translates to "fire throweruper"


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