#1 Pest: Budai Zoltán Baptisms

I'm really glad that I got to see you all in our video chat yesterday! I hope I didn't look uncomfortable. I don't know why but its kind of weird to call home. I like it but it feels a little strange. I'm glad that I got a tour of the house, it looks nice, the dog looks healthy too. It's just good to know that things are going good at home. I love you all very much. I love you Mom.

Well, there's nothing really new since our video chat yesterday. The big highlights of the week were p-day, transfers, and a new companion (Elder Fales, he is from Las Vegas, and he came to Hungary 2 months before me), and lots of good work. Everywhere we went this week we streeted and talked to everyone on the buses, trains, and on the streets. We walked to "Kingdom Come" and back. We made tons of contacts. It was great.

On the first full day of the 4th transfer and the entire zone went to the heivital to register in our new apartments and afterward we went with the zone leaders to Subway. We went to Kispest for a district meeting. Our districts meetings will alternate between the ward building in Pest and the branch building in Kispest. We watched a mission broadcast from SLC with Elder Uchtdorf.

We talked to people as we walked and rode the public transit around town and made some great contacts. I talked to a lady who has two daughters and got her phone number. We made another contact with a mother with two little kids and got her number. We got four or five phone numbers from our street contacts today, but only one is actually in our area, so we were picking up people to teach for other missionaries in our zone. It was great! One of the guys we talked to offered to feed us dinner… except he was in our Zone Leaders area, so he really offered to feed the Zone Leaders dinner, but that’s OK, what goes around comes around. After all that tracting/streeting we had to run back to the stake center for our English class, and I talked all about Nebraska in our class, because Nebraska is a big part of me.

The Branch Building in Pest
On Saturday, We went tracting in the evening hoping to find a family at home that we could teach. We met this super nice family who let us in to the building but they weren’t interested, however, they told us about a lonely man in wheel chair in their building they recommended we go talk to because they thought that maybe we could help him. So we did, but unfortunately he didn’t want to have anything to do with us and he yelled at us. We asked if we could sing him a song and he grumbled. We began singing and he slammed the door on us. We left him a card at his door with our number in case he changed his mind. After another couple floors of frustrating tracting we got a call from the man in the wheel chair who told us he was going to call the police because we sang to him. So that’s the first time I’ve had the police called on me, but they never came, I tried to imagine how that conversation went with the police. The man calling to complain that two really nice guys sang to him and they needed to come and arrest them. Well, we didn’t get arrested. – Don’t worry, even if the police had come we would have been fine because what we were doing is legal. – So the night didn’t go as we had hoped, but that’s OK, sometimes is just goes like that.

The best part of my week was the baptisim of Budai Zoltán yesterday! We got permission to go to Kispest to the participate in the baptism, it was wonderful! There were alot of members who came to support him and the Spirit was very strong. It was also good because Zsófi came, it was good to see her there. Sister Christiansen gave a really wonderful talk about the Gift the Holy Ghost, but the best part was that Zoltán was so happy.

I'm doing good and my new area is good, the appartment is good, the ward is fantastic, I don't really have anything I can complain about.

Love you all alot, 
Morgan elder.


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