
Showing posts from April, 2018

#7 Kispest: Buda is Beautiful

It didn't add up in my cerebrals that zone conference would push back p-day, but it did. So happy Tuesday P-day! This past week was also pretty good. p-day last the 16th we went to this labyrinths underneath Buda castle. The Buda Castle is in a walled part of the city, under it is a labyrinth, which are natural caves that were linked by tunnels that in the medieval times it was used as torture chambers and prisons. During World War II they hid in the tunnels and caves. It was pretty cool. According to the people who commercialize this place, another claim to fame is that Dracula (Vlad the Impaler to his friends) was imprisoned there for a year. It was a nice cool, damp, tuberculosis filled maze. Pretty fun! Elder Gabel on cried twice.  We also walked around Szent Matthias cathedral, and fisherman's bastion, it was cool to go back because the only other time I went was my first night in Hungary. It was a really pretty walk in the spring. I took lots of pictures.

#6 Kispest: Service & Sunburns

Last P-day we went to up to the Erzsébet kilátó (Elizabeth look out point) which is a little castle on top of one of the really big hills in Buda, you could see the whole city from the top, and the walk through the woods up to it was pretty. Spring in Budapest is really beautiful. We also had interviews with President Szabadkai on Monday, and I love interviews with him.  I also got my package from home, thank you so much, the plan of salvation teaching set is wonderful! I love the seasonings, I've already used the old bay and taco seasonings. This week has been one of the best yet. we went to the middle school and talked about Denmark (because my companion is Danish) with the kids in English.  On Friday we were asked by President Szabadkai to go to a service project that was organized by the senior couple (Russel elder and nővér) who are over the YSA (Young Single Adults) in the stake. We went down to Csepel which is this big island in the Danube, and we went

#5 Kispest: Ye May Know the Truth of All Things

Howdy y'all, Things are good our here in Magyarország. Last P-day we went to the Hungarian national museum "Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum," because P-day was on Tuesday we had a lot more options because the big museums are closed on Monday's here. It was really cool, they have 3 big exhibits, one about the Hungary from 5000 BCE to 1000 CE and then from 1000 CE to 1600 CE and then from 1600 CE to 1990 CE. it was a wild ride, cavemen to Celts to Romans, to barbarians to franks to Magyars and then all of the crazy with the Turks and the Austrians, revolutions, 2 world wars, communism, and then freedom, it was quite the trip. I am just blown away every day how pretty European cities are. Spring is here, and the trees this week have been making leaves and some have been blossoming. It's really pretty. one week left of suit season! (We can wear slacks and short sleeve dress shirts during the spring and summer) We had some really good lessons this week about The law of

#4 Kispest: Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice

This week was certainly a good one. This week we had the opportunity of teaching quite a few lessons. We have been helping our progressing investigator quit smoking and he has been making really great progress. We also did service again in a near by school, and taught the kids about the water cycle and other water related topics in English, it was a lot of fun. Budapest is infiltrated by Scots. The Scottish soccer team is playing Hungary so there are loads of drunk Scots in kilts everywhere! We had a funny encounter with some Scott's and their bagpipes on the subway, but that's all I'm going to say about that. I also had the opportunity to go on a split with Elder Graham, who is one of the zone leaders in Pest. I went up there and his companion elder Durney went to Kispest with Elder Gabel. It was a good split, we taught a mother and daughter who just recently joined the church and we taught a couple about spiritual experiences. Also, I think more people would wan