About Me

Hi I'm Elder Morgan

I am a bagpiper. I am a missionary serving in Hungary. I'm a Mormon.


I'm a kid from the heartland of America. I am an eagle scout. I was home schooled while in high school. I love playing my bagpipes and learning about my British heritage. I love reading about science and about how our wonderful world works. I want to study mechanical engineering at Brigham Young University, and I have a dream of being a NASA aerospace engineer one day.


I was born to Latter-day Saint parents, but this in no way means that I was born with a testimony of this church. like every member of this church that I've had my own personal conversion journey. I've chosen for myself to be a member of this church because of how it makes me feel. Because of my knowledge of the gospel and because of impressions from the Holy Spirit that I have felt so much joy and peace. I have felt the love of my savior and of my father in heaven. I have come to know who I am, why I am here, and what my purpose in this life is. I have a testimony that this is the true church. I know that there is a prophet on the earth today named Thomas S. Monson. I know that he holds the Holy priesthood as restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God. The book of Mormon is very important to me. I have learned more about Jesus Christ by studying it than by any other source. I know Jesus Christ is my savior. Because I have a testimony of these things, I have confidence in this ever confusing world. I have confidence in who I am and what I need to do to return home to my father in heaven. This is why I am a Latter-day Saint.


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