#4 Pest II: The Same Today, Yesterday, and Forever!
I’m glad to say, that this week's zone conference was a success, outside of that it was a little rough. "Mama said there’d be days like this." I’m really glad that the lunch we made for zone conference worked out. Sister Hettinger has asked us to make healthy meals instead of ordering pizza, so we cooked for the zone. We made beef and rice burritos and they were really good. Sister Hettinger praised us for our cooking. I really hope that our training on language study plans will help our zone. I think the training that the Sister Training Leaders gave was fantastic. The AP's (Assistents to the President) talked about how to improve personal and companion study.
We had a really difficult time contacting the people we are teaching this week. We did meet with one of the people we are teaching, named Zoli, he is blind and lives alone and this time he was completely wasted, it was really hard. It’s difficult because he knows what we share with him is true and wants to be better, but he has a really difficult set of challenges and is super compulsive. We also met for a few minutes with another person we've been teaching, we caught up with him at the bus stop. He is an older man, we walked him home. We are probably going to be giving him a break. Robert, another one of the people we have been teaching, was able to make it to church on Sunday. In Sunday school the lesson was about the Word of Wisdom, which was good because Robert is an alcoholic, so he needs that lesson. I had a good split with Elder Thompson and we whiteboarded with the question, "Why does God allow wickedness and suffering." We had quite a few people come up and talk to us which was really good. Outside of this, we streeted, trackted and white boarded, and found a good number of potential investigators.
We met with three member families this week, the Bognárék, Rákonczaiék, and the Bloodék, and shared with them the book of Mormon initiative, and committed them to study it as a family and share a book mark with a close friend or associate. It’s been really good to see such a positive response to the initiative
For P-day this past week we went back to one of my favorite places in budapes, Érzsébet kilátó, which is the highest point in budapest,1732.28 feet, there is a nice walk through the forest and then you get to climb this tower, it was fun to go back. I'm not sure what we'll do for P-day today, me and Elder Surdu have been in Budapest long enough now that we've seen all the big stuff.
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about Moroni chapter 6 and the role of the Holy Ghost and our sanctification and our edification in the church.
"And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith……
"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done.”
Moroni 6:4, 9
I think sometimes it can be easy to loose sight of the fact that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, and as such it has been the same forever. These verses described the church 1800 years ago and it is the same as how sacrament meeting should be today. How can we better remember this and act accordingly?
The other question I have been thinking about is in my own life, in my missionary work, how can I conduct my life and work “after the manner of the workings of the Spirit?” I need to be better at seeking for and recognizing the Spirit in my life.
This week we are also doing a zone challenge to get us out of a slump that we have fallen into, we are going to make it our goal to find 42 new investigators as a zone, one per companionship per day. I hope this will help inspire all of us to give it our all and strive to reach the standards of excellence. We will also be going to both Eger and Nyíregyháza this week to help them in their work; it will be a crazy but awesome week!
Sok szeretettel, Morgan elder.
We had a really difficult time contacting the people we are teaching this week. We did meet with one of the people we are teaching, named Zoli, he is blind and lives alone and this time he was completely wasted, it was really hard. It’s difficult because he knows what we share with him is true and wants to be better, but he has a really difficult set of challenges and is super compulsive. We also met for a few minutes with another person we've been teaching, we caught up with him at the bus stop. He is an older man, we walked him home. We are probably going to be giving him a break. Robert, another one of the people we have been teaching, was able to make it to church on Sunday. In Sunday school the lesson was about the Word of Wisdom, which was good because Robert is an alcoholic, so he needs that lesson. I had a good split with Elder Thompson and we whiteboarded with the question, "Why does God allow wickedness and suffering." We had quite a few people come up and talk to us which was really good. Outside of this, we streeted, trackted and white boarded, and found a good number of potential investigators.
We met with three member families this week, the Bognárék, Rákonczaiék, and the Bloodék, and shared with them the book of Mormon initiative, and committed them to study it as a family and share a book mark with a close friend or associate. It’s been really good to see such a positive response to the initiative
Saturday evening we attended a wedding reception of the daughter of a family in our ward. It was really good food, so that was awesome! On Sunday after church we went over to the Blood's house. Brother Blood does some kind of auditing or accounting, he used to be an investment banker, but now he does the accounting and finance stuff for a movie production in Budapest. They have a son in the MTC who is going to Thialand on his mission, and he's their third child to serve a mission. They did an American style roast beef and wonderful roasted vegtables. It was one of the tastiest thing I had ever eaten on my mission. It was really good to have a nice fancy Sunday dinner (at lunch). Sunday night we traveled to a nearby town to have dinner with another member family. So we ate well this weekend!
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about Moroni chapter 6 and the role of the Holy Ghost and our sanctification and our edification in the church.
"And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith……
"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done.”
Moroni 6:4, 9
I think sometimes it can be easy to loose sight of the fact that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, and as such it has been the same forever. These verses described the church 1800 years ago and it is the same as how sacrament meeting should be today. How can we better remember this and act accordingly?
The other question I have been thinking about is in my own life, in my missionary work, how can I conduct my life and work “after the manner of the workings of the Spirit?” I need to be better at seeking for and recognizing the Spirit in my life.
This week we are also doing a zone challenge to get us out of a slump that we have fallen into, we are going to make it our goal to find 42 new investigators as a zone, one per companionship per day. I hope this will help inspire all of us to give it our all and strive to reach the standards of excellence. We will also be going to both Eger and Nyíregyháza this week to help them in their work; it will be a crazy but awesome week!
Sok szeretettel, Morgan elder.
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